Friday, August 28, 2009

Faber Birren Color Exhibit 2009

The second accepted submission for this competition is called "Riding With Dad", and is a mixed media collage 24x30", that was done after seeing the film There Will Be Blood. Although I disliked the movie for its violence, there were scenes of the father and son riding in their open Model "T" together in their matching long shami coats that strongly impressed me, so much so, that I borrowed the book from the Library the movie is based on to delve deeper, "Oil" by Upton Sinclair.

The writing was so picturesque, it described the road laying out like a ribbon across the land and the collage also incorporates ribbons symbolizing roads, years that were significant landmarks of the era and a few of the phrases that struck me are included. I'm sorry this jpeg does not show that come to the exhibit if you are in the Stamford, Connecticut area - google Stamford Art Association for dates and times.

Faber Birren Color Exhibit 2009

Whooo, riding on a high. Two of my collages have been accepted by the juror, an assistant curator from MOMO, Paulina Pobocha, into the Faber Birren Exhibit for 2009. The acceptance letter from the Stamford Art Association said the work was selected from hundreds of slides and CDs.

The First mixed media collage accepted is called "Break of Dawn", 24x24".
Yep, birds are an integral part of dawn in these parts. Their chirping is heard just before light breaks. This piece is highly textured, subtly colored, and has interesting texture, like the bark of a tree.
The letter says the Juror will select awards from the original works!